Getting a Library Card:
Anyone who lives in the library district is entitled and encouraged to receive a borrowing card. Residents of Waterloo Township who also live within the Chelsea School District may obtain a resident borrowing card.
Those living outside of the district may purchase a nonresident card at $107 per year or $26.75 quarterly.
Chelsea District Library Logo
Children’s cards:
Any child in the district may also receive his or her own borrowing card. However, Michigan law prevents library staff from informing anyone but the sole cardholder what is currently checked out, on hold, overdue or lost. Therefore, parents wishing to have access to this information should sign a release form when they register their child. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian register with them to receive a card.

Registering for a library card:
To register for a card, you can come in to the library and fill out the application or print one here (Adult or Minor) and bring it with you when you come in. You will also need need picture id and proof of residency to complete the application . Current versions of the following items that indicate a district address will be accepted:
- Driver’s license / Michigan ID card
- Utility or telephone bill
- Rental agreement / property deed
- Car registration
- Voter registration
- Tax receipt
Please report all mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address changes to the library. This will help us contact you about your materials and holds.
Using your card
When you come to the library, you must have your card to borrow books
If you send a friend or family member to pick up your materials, they must have your library card. (That is how we know they have your permission to have your materials.)
Your PIN
When you sign up for a card, you are assigned a PIN number to use when accessing the catalog or using our Internet computers. It is usually the last four digits of your phone number but you can request a different number or change the number once you have an account.
Holds on Library Materials
If you have requested an item that is not currently available at the library, we will notify you by e-mail or automated phone call. E-mail notices are sent to addresses registered with the library. Automated phone calls will be handed as follows:
- Your hold is checked in at the library.
- Automated system calls to let you know the item(s) are in.
- If there is no answer or the phone is busy, the system will try again, up to three times in 24 hours, to contact you.
- If all three attempts fail, a paper notice will be sent.
The automated message starts as soon as it hears a voice on the other end, so it will leave the message with whoever answers the phone. It will also leave the message on an answering machine, as long as the greeting message isn’t too long. Please contact the circulation staff at the front desk if you have any questions.
Overdue Materials Policy
When borrowed material is overdue, the following procedure is followed by our library to encourage patrons to return the materials they have borrowed:
- One week overdue: A letter is sent to the patron listing overdue materials.
- Four weeks overdue: A letter is sent listing overdue materials and their replacement costs.
If you have an email address registered on your library record, a notice will be sent two days BEFORE items are due to help you remember to return or renew your items on time. These are courtesy notices and if you don’t receive them for any reason, your items are still due on time. Overdue items will incur late fines- see chart below.
Borrowing privileges are suspended for patrons who have not paid overdue fines or fees over a ceiling of $15.
Fines, Renewals, & Loan Periods

There is no limit to the number of items you may check out.
All materials may be renewed over the phone. To do this, call the library at (734) 475-8732 during business hours or use the 24/7 automated phone renewal system at (888) 672-8983. The automated system requires you to know your library card number and PIN and have a touchtone phone.
In compliance with the Michigan Library Privacy Act 455 of 1982, Chelsea District Library does not identify the titles of materials borrowed or on hold by a cardholder to anyone but that cardholder.